Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Marne Lucas: "Mandwich Redux"

Marne Lucas is experienced both in front of and behind the camera, working in both still photography and moving image. In 1995, along with Jacob Pander, Lucas created The Operation which has gained cult status as a film which crosses the boundaries between art and pornography.
Visiting Las Vegas for the first time, Lucas gave a talk at the opening of her photography show "Mandwich Redux" at Sin City Gallery. Her five-year career as model Gina Velour, acting as muse for photographers and painters, has influenced her own photography style. She put it simply as "I don't ask people to do anything I haven't done."
In 2000, she began photographing the '"Velour Girls" series, and has continued to create self portraits as well as pin-up style portraits of both women and men. Lucas first photographed some of the subjects in the "Mandwich" series in 2003 and often develops long-term working relationships with her models. Also attending the Sin City Gallery opening was actor/director Kris Anderson, who features in a number of the exhibited images. Having worked with many photographers, he described Lucas as being able to draw out something which is unique.

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